Saint Moses the Black


Have you ever wondered if a villain can turn good? Saint Moses the Black's story shows us that it's possible. In Ancient Egypt, Moses was a very big and incredibly strong slave who was dismissed for stealing. He joined a band of criminals who stole and even murdered others. Soon Saint Moses the Black became the leader of this gang. No one knows why, but one day Saint Moses the Black went to a monastery and begged to be admitted as a repentant Christian. The monks refused him again and again but Moses would not leave. Eventually, the monks let Moses become one of them, becoming a Christian and living a life of prayer and penance.

After Saint Moses the Black became a monk, he was discouraged because he was still tempted by sin many times a day. His superior took him up on a rooftop just before sunrise. They watched the sun rise together and the older priest explained to Saint Moses the Black that just as the sun rises little by little, and as night turns to day slowly with time, so does the soul change with God’s grace. With God’s help, Saint Moses the Black learned patience and he eventually conquered his temptations.

Saint Moses the Black was murdered by desert raiders in the year 405, when he was 75 years old. Saint Moses the Black is a great saint to pray to for conversions. He is also the patron saint of Africa and of non-violence. If you are tempted to violence or impatience, Saint Moses the Black is a good saint for you.