(Special Edition) Father Mychal Judge
Father Mychal F. Judge, OFM, was a loving and active priest in New York City. He could often be found ministering to the homeless on the Breadline at St. Francis of Assisi Church. This is one of the many places where Father Mychal found God - in the broken, the poor and the suffering. Addicts, AIDS patients, and so many others found comfort and warmth in Father Mychal. A chaplain to New York City firefighters, Father Mychal died on September 11, 2001, while administering last rites at the scene of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.
Our Grassroots edition charms highlight the stories of Catholic people whose stories have left an impression on the people they reach. These individuals are not on the official path to sainthood, which is why their charms do not say "Pray for us" like most Tiny Saints products.