Saint Rita of Cascia

Difficult Marriages
Bodily Ills

Saint Rita was forced into an arranged marriage with a vicious man. After years of patience and prayer, he repented, but was murdered in a terrible feud between two families. This feud was like a war that went on for years and years.

Saint Rita’s two sons wanted to avenge their father’s death by killing the people who murdered their father. Saint Rita prayed that her sons would die before they committed this mortal sin. Soon, both of her sons got very sick and died.

Saint Rita, now widowed and childless, wanted to become a nun, but the convent would not let her enter until she found a way to stop the feud. Saint Rita prayed to 3 saints: John the Baptist, Nicholas of Tolentino, and Augustine. A plague broke out and when one of the leaders of the feud became ill, he ended the feud.

Saint Rita joined an Augustinian convent where she tended her sick sisters and counseled laypeople. She wanted to suffer with Christ, and bore a miraculous wound of a thorn on her forehead. She is the patron saint of all who are burdened with sterility, difficult marriages, abuse, loneliness, bodily ills, and wounds, as well as the sick, widows, and parents. You can ask Saint Rita to help you to not fight with family members. If you do have disagreements, she will help you to reconcile with your family and to keep peace with them.