Saint Olaf

Difficult Marriages

Saint Olaf was the son of the king of Norway, and lived as a Viking raider until he was baptized in France. From there he went to England to help the English king fight against invaders. When he returned home, his father had died. Saint Olaf was now the king of Norway.

As king, Saint Olaf went to battle to free Norway from the Danish and the Swedish. In his efforts to unite Norway into one kingdom, Saint Olaf also sought to unite the people under one faith. He brought missionaries from England to spread Christianity throughout his kingdom. He recruited bishops from across Europe to help, and many hearts turned to Christ.

Saint Olaf led with Viking principles of courage, preparation, shrewdness and order. After his death, many miracles occurred at Saint Olaf's tomb. He is the patron saint of carvers, difficult marriages, kings, Norway, and the Faroe Islands. Ask Saint Olaf to help you to increase in the virtues of orderliness and courage and to bring the light of Christ wherever you go.