Born around the year 100, Saint Justin, like many of his fellow philosophers, wanted to live a good life. He searched for a truth that would help him do this. He studied many different famous Greek and Roman philosophers. However, none of the philosophies Saint Justin studied satisfied him.
His heart was finally moved when he met a wise Christian who linked Jesus' love to the world's wisdom and truth. Saint Justin had heard rumors of Christianity. He knew that Christians were persecuted and secretive. Christians at this time were afraid of their beliefs and sacraments being mocked. Read the story of Saint Genesius for an example of this.
Saint Justin believed that there were many people like him, searching for the Truth that is Jesus Christ, and unable to find him because of the secrecy. Saint Justin preached his new faith to pagans, Romans, Greeks, and Jews. He wrote long documents of Christian teachings called apologies and traveled widely spreading God’s word.
Like so many other Christians of the time, Justin was arrested and interrogated by Roman officials. He was to obey the Roman gods and make sacrifices to them. Saint Justin said that he would only obey the commandments of Jesus Christ.
Saint Justin was beheaded with four other Christians. He is often called St. Justin Martyr and you can still read his Apologies today. Saint Justin is the patron saint of lecturers. We can ask Saint Justin to help us share our faith with others. Saint Justin can help us find the only real Truth, Jesus Christ who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life."