Saint Angela Merici

The Sick
The Disabled

Born in Italy in 1474, Saint Angela Merici was orphaned when she was only 10 years old. The Holy Spirit inspired her to dedicate her life to help others find salvation in Heaven by knowing and loving Jesus.

When she was 20 years old, she became a Third Order of Saint Franciscan, embracing a life of poverty and sacrifice. Saint Angela saw many orphaned young girls who did not know Our Lord, or have any education at all. Saint Angela decided to turn her house into a school, and she started a school for poor girls.

Jesus appeared to Saint Angela and asked her to start an order of sisters who would teach the poor, especially teaching them about His Church. She did as He asked and founded the Company of Saint Ursula. Saint Angela founded many schools and orphanages in Italy. This group of religious women were the first sisters to live outside a cloister and work in the world. Today they are known as the Ursulines, and they are the oldest women's teaching order in the Church.

Saint Angela Merici is known as a patroness of the sick, the disabled, people who have physical challenges, and orphans, She is also know as a champion of women’s education. She believed that girls should be educated so that they could be good wives and mothers. She loved to say, “Disorder in society is the result of disorder in the family.” Women young and old can take Saint Angela Merici as a patron and role model. She will help you to know and follow God’s will, and to develop a love for the poor and sick.