Saint Ambrose


When Saint Ambrose was born around 340, a swarm of bees settled near his crib, leaving a drop of honey on his tongue, a sign of his future gift for public speaking. Saint Ambrose served in the Roman government in Milan. When the bishop died, the crowd nominated Saint Ambrose, who was ordained deacon, priest, and bishop within a week! Saint Ambrose had a great love for people who are poor, and when he became bishop, he gave away all of his possessions and his money to help them.

Saint Ambrose was very wise and became one of the first Doctors of the Church. He used his knowledge to help defend the Church against a heresy known as Arianism. Saint Ambrose preached the faith with skill and courage, and helped convert Saint Augustine. Saint Ambrose also loved Mary and studied her role as Mother of God. He wrote many hymns, some of which we are still singing today.

Saint Ambrose is the patron saint of beekeepers, beggars, and learners. Let us ask Saint Ambrose to help us all to be beggars, begging for God’s grace in our lives, and to help us be learners, learning and growing in the faith all year long, every year, as long as we live.